
Esta es la piloto de avión más rica del mundo

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Es sueca, se llama María Petterson y está entera rica. La chiquilla tiene 32 primaveras y se gana la vida recorriendo el mundo, en su Boing 737.


La blonda sube fotos de todos sus viajes, en ocasiones aparece tomando sol, haciendo yoga o en su pega.


Acá te dejamos sus mejores fotos ¡Disfrútalas!


I’m with Bose! 🙌 I’m so happy for my new A20 headset, what do you think? Peace and quiet at work 😎 Yes 738 flightdeck is noisy,  you need a headset with ANR 👌👌

Una foto publicada por Maria (@pilotmaria) el


Today I woke up with that whole purpose driven princess warrior save the world kind of vibe, go get em tiger 🐆🐆

Una foto publicada por Maria (@pilotmaria) el


In Sweden we celebrate Midsummer today. A tradition when we wear flowers in our hair 🌻🌼🌺 eat, dance and laugh with family and friends all day and night. Unfortunately I’m far from any other Swede so I had to celebrate on my own ☺️ Standby day and went to my favorite place by the sea. Did some ups and downs and then went home to eat traditionally – Strawberries and cream, a midsummer must 👌 Any other traditions celebrated today and what did all my Swedish followers do?

Una foto publicada por Maria (@pilotmaria) el


Fly as Air, Flow with Water. Happy mind = Happy life 🙌 Island Life before work ☀️☀

Una foto publicada por Maria (@pilotmaria) el

Woop Woop pull up,  island life is calling 🌴☀️🌤

Una foto publicada por Maria (@pilotmaria) el


It’s been said before and deserves to be said again «Not all those who wander are lost» Do you have any travel plans for this summer,  where will your destination take you? ☀️☀️

Una foto publicada por Maria (@pilotmaria) el


Always a little bit crazier on CrazySunday 😜

Una foto publicada por Maria (@pilotmaria) el


Happy Sunday ☀️ Its important to do more than flying, follow me @pilotmarialife  might still be a few aviation shots 😉 Let’s see if I’ll be able to do my back bends like my gorgeous friend and colleague @flymeyoga after some practice! 😉

Una foto publicada por Maria (@pilotmaria) el


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